Session 1: Executive Exchange: Moving the Industry from Talk to Change

Tuesday, October 15, 11 am – 12 pm PT

Join us for an interactive and provocative session that promises to empower attendees with actionable insights, enabling them to challenge the future of workers' compensation with confidence and innovation.

Organizations looking to gain a competitive advantage would be well advised to attend as the elite panel explores the dynamic landscape of workers' compensation and delves into innovative strategies poised to shape its future. 

Through exploring real world examples and applying best practices from parallel markets such as Group Health, the panel will suggest innovative revenue models, market trends and impact of consolidation, predictive analytics mined with Artificial Intelligence and the evolution of outcomes goals and objectives.

Connect with Paradigm's team of experts at the 2024 National Comp Conference

Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, NV
October 15–17, 2024

Session 2: Human-Centered Care & Compassion:
Real Workers, Groundbreaking Recoveries

Tuesday, October 15, 1 – 2 pm PT

Catastrophic workplace injuries not only test the limits of medical science but also the human spirit's capacity for resilience and recovery. This session brings together the remarkable stories of Alexander Borges, a structural engineer who fell 35 feet during a worksite accident, and Aaron James, a lineman who survived a 7,200-volt electrical shock, leading to groundbreaking medical interventions including a first-of-its-kind eye and partial face transplant.   

Both cases highlight the critical importance of a holistic, team-based approach to care that integrates medical expertise, behavioral health, and community support, focusing on the patient and their family's unique needs.  

Through interactive discussions with Alexander, Aaron, and their care teams, including insights from Paradigm and the Kind Souls Foundation, attendees will explore the multifaceted strategies employed to address the complex challenges of catastrophic injuries.   

These stories of hope, innovation, and determination will shed light on how personalized care, advanced medical procedures, and a supportive network can lead to astonishing recoveries, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.  The session will delve into the medical, behavioral, and psychosocial aspects of recovery, emphasizing the impact of kindness, compassion, and a positive outlook. 

Attendees will learn about the collaborative efforts between workers’ compensation professionals, medical teams, families, and communities that are essential for facilitating recovery. Moreover, the session will discuss how workplace support and accommodations play a crucial role in enabling injured workers to return to their lives and jobs, underscoring the significance of patient and family engagement throughout the recovery journey.



John S. Watts, Jr.
CEO, Paradigm

Joe Paduda
Principal, Health Strategy Associates

Joseph Berado, Jr.
CEO, Carisk Partners

Sri Sridharan
CEO, MedRisk


Michael Choo, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Workers' Compensation, Paradigm

Shawn Deane
General Counsel & VP of Claims Solutions, Kind Souls Foundation

To Be Announced
Injured Worker

Alexander Borges
Injured Worker

Submit a question for our injured worker panel.

Alexander Borges' Story

Check out Alexander's HERO video to gain some insight into his injury and subsequent recovery journey.

Session 3: Group Health Is Beating Comp on Outcomes?
Understand Why, and What Needs to Change

Tuesday, October 15, 3:45 – 4:45 pm PT

It’s been a long-held belief that workers’ compensation patients suffer a significant disparity in health care outcomes compared to their commercial counterparts. Through an analysis that compared pre- and post-operative outcomes of more than 36,000 patients who underwent lumbar or cervical surgery, there is now clear evidence that this anecdotal understanding is true.   

The outcomes indicate that patients within the workers’ compensation system performed significantly worse—despite having fewer medical comorbidities and being a younger, healthier population—than the commercial population.   

In this session, we’ll uncover the motivations and psychosocial risk factors—like the feeling of “perceived injustice” and a diminished sense of responsibility for their condition while benefiting financially—that cause healthier workers’ compensation patients to fare worse than the more elderly, comorbid commercial comparison. 

And, most importantly, we’ll explore what the workers’ compensation system can do to rectify this systemic health care outcome disparity, including smarter patient engagement with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) earlier in the claim, the impact of aligned incentives, and destigmatizing psychiatric claims overlay.

The Q&A panel discussion will be highly engaging and interactive, with audience participation throughout.



Michael Choo, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Workers' Compensation, Paradigm

David Lupinsky
VP, Clinical Product Solutions, Paradigm

Adam Seidner, MD
Chief Medical Officer,
The Hartford

Gerry Stanley, MD
Global Chief Medical Officer, Express Scripts,
By Evernorth

Session 4: The New Frontier of Case Management:
Effective Metrics for Modern Challenges

Wednesday, October 16, 12:30 – 1:30 pm PT

Case Management in workers’ compensation has evolved significantly over the last 20 years. Organizations’ Case Management needs have changed due to a number of factors, including increasing claims costs and case complexity, more comorbidities and psychosocial barriers to recovery, growing patient expectations, and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

While Case Management has often been viewed as a medical cost containment strategy, the evolving industry landscape has led some organizations to rethink how they define and measure the quality and impact of Case Management services.  

This interactive session will cover common measures of Case Management quality in workers’ compensation today and provide perspectives from forward-thinking panelists from across the industry on how they are redefining quality to move beyond cost savings, and the results they are seeing.  
Topics to be discussed include:

  • The role of Case Management, and Case Management quality, in helping carriers, employers, and TPAs achieve their unique workers’ compensation claims objectives 
  • Panelists’ key measures of quality, and how the evolving workers’ compensation landscape has impacted their definition
  • The relationship between their quality measures and outcomes, and quality and claims administration 
  • How data technology enables organizations to measure quality in new ways 
  • Quality challenges panelists are encountering and how they penalize poor performance against quality measures 
  • How they are achieving success against their quality measures, including real-world success stories


Brenda Calia
VP, Case Management Delivery, Paradigm

Shannon Ford
SVP, Case Management Solutions, Paradigm

Sharon Scott
SVP, Medical Programs, ESIS, Inc.

Dolly Root
Director, Nurse Case Management, Berkley Medical Management Solutions

Submit a question for our case management panel.

1277 Treat Blvd, Ste 800
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Office:  (800) 676-6777
(925) 680-4469

Submit a question for our group health and workers' comp comparison panel.

Submit a question for our panel.

Paradigm is excited to be back and serving as a Gold Sponsor at this year’s National Comp, October 15-17, in Las Vegas. Connect with us at booth #927 for the latest advancements in accountable care management. 

This year Paradigm will take the stage for four thought provoking sessions. Engage with Paradigm experts and industry leaders and submit a question ahead of time.